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Rune Priest PVP Guide in Mabinogi
They followed each other into the Destroy zero, triggered their runes together, and caused
nearly 200 points of damage to every ton in the area over 9 seconds a lot when most people
only have 1000HP(buy Mabinogi Gold) or so. It was ticking on 7 people. If we do the math,
this is from 1500 to 1600 were caused by damage to the detriment of their other top. There
are beautiful things: as therapists, two tanks directly to our fans to do this. This is a
great DPS healer. Imagine the awesomeness of 3-4 tanks doing this together. The Rune
Priest's Oath of Wordings alone could take people down, if used at the same time.
Anyway, on top of that, they PhDs on a squishy with their heavy blow and binding grudge
attacks, both Dots that tick away for good DPS, a good 300-400 per IB. That, combined with
their Oath Rune attacks, was enough DPS ticking away over 9 seconds to kill a single
squishy. It needs to attack all of 6 seconds. This is among a class in game, and how to use
their best examples of synergy. This success is one of the war's best, and the Oath Rune
Machinery great thing is that you can do for your groups Xuedong offensive part, even though
you are the primary healer.