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The Historian
know there is a lot of specultion as to what the patch is. I can say with 100% accuracy that it is different than the current EU Dekaron build.. and no I don't just mean the text.
We have put a lot of effort in to making sure that all the current hacking is taken care of. We know this won't be the end of it, but we expect that it will make it much harder for them going forward.
That said, due to the significant number of changes, we will only be offering the new build as a full download and the 2moons gold install directory is 1.96 gig, so plan accordingly.. We will be serving up the new install a few days before we make the server change. And the servers will most likely be down for about half a day. This way you can all be ready the moment the server comes up and it should help easy the load on the servers when everyong tries to download all at once.