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Two options to avoid damage
Cabal Alz plays a good role in the game, and you need value it well. You have many options on how to flee from the Barbarian. First, look around you without stopping and look for a nearby water source. While is still avoiding damage. If the answer was no to the above questioning then you only having two options: Zigzag back and forth while avoiding damage and flee into a nearby shack and spam H until your character turns slightly invisible. You have entered hide mode successfully! Now, make sure you do not walk into the Barbarians line of sight because he will most likely be using Search to look for you because he is desperate for that one kill on account of his not being able to kill his own level. Let the Barbarian kill you and then use insert Barbarians name and send him threatening messages and how much more skill you have than him and would kill him when you are his level and put him on your Kops list. Threes a gator boss that drops a random body part, use not yet known. I got a severed foot. The gator boss guards a treasure chest that may also contain a magic ring with the same fire buff. After freeing the girl, bear left for a mini boss that drops a two handed blunt weapon and guards another chest that may have another magic ring.