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WOW gold players should know what your hit cap is.
While other factors are often just as important, such as situational awareness and threat management, there are a few things you can do to make certain that those mobs are going down as quickly as they should be.They are all as follows:The first way is to get a DPS meter. Using a DPS meter such as Recount is how you will be able to gauge your performance. If you don't know how much DPS you are doing, how will you know if you're improving?The second way is to find a talent spec. Some talent specializations are better for leveling or soloing, some are for PvP and some are built for raids. To large scale, you've the ability to benefit from having a talent build that will support maximizing your DPS in those situations if you're going to be running heroics or raids.The third way is to get hit capped. WOW gold players should know what your hit cap is and get as close as you can to it if you're going to raid. Hit rating is the single best stat you can have until you reach the cap. It doesn't matter how much spell power or attack power you've got when the boss you are fighting dodges your attack.The fourth way is to learn your rotations. Once you find a good spec, you should spend some time learning what all of your talents do, so you can see which abilities work together the best. The order in which you use, your abilities will make a great difference in your DPS output.