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We have the WoW gold for you and your game friends.
Meanwhile, Improved Rend (additional 15/30% damage to Rend) will be attractive to prot warriors with the talent Blood and Thunder (which we'll discuss later), and War Academy in the first tier will be attractive because it increases damage of Heroic Strike, Victory Rush and Slam by 5/10/15%.On the second tier, Deep Wounds is unchanged, while Impale now specifically increases the critical strike damage of Mortal Strike, Slam and Execute by 10/20%. Blitz replaces Improved Charge and now stuns an additional target as well as increasing rage generated. At this point, we leave the realm of arms talents that can be picked up by fury and prot warriors.Fury Fury, like arms, sees a first tier of talents aimed at interesting other trees. First off is the new Cruelty, which adds 5/10% critical strike chance for Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike or Shield Slam. Since each of these is now a talent specialization ability, the talent is clearly geared for cross-spec use. We have the WoW gold for you and your game friends. Unbridled Wrath is moved to the first tier and reduced to a three-point talent but is otherwise unchanged. Armored to the Teeth remains completely unchanged.Improved Execute, now in the second tier, increases Execute damage by 10/20%. It's still fairly attractive to arms warriors with Sudden Death. Intensify Rage, although much more accessible in the second tier, is unchanged in point cost or effects. Blood Craze is significantly improved (and, one assumes, will benefit from Field Dressing), granting 10% to regenerate 2.5/5/7.5% of total health over 5 seconds.