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Wow gold players can no longer use Ahunae's Knife to scalp kills.
Elemental Shields was reducing flat physical damage, not a percentage.Now properly reduced by a percentage.Lava Lash - Fixed a bug which allowed you to use the ability even if you had a shield in offhand. Now requires a 1hand axe, fist or dagger to be able to be used.Fixed a bug where Thunderstorm (Elemental) was knocking back 15 yards, instead of 20. It should now roughly knockback the correct length of 20 yards.The Wintergrasp Aura should now properly update in all instances, transferring the buff when the zone control changes.The quest, "Scare the Guano Out of Them!" now only requires 10 Darkclaw Guano, down from 15. Also, only the character that scared the bat, or their party, may now loot the guano.Shoveltusk Meat obtained during the quest, "Shoveltusk Soup Again?" is now correctly flagged as a quest item with no sell price.During the quest, "Scalped!",wow gold players can no longer use Ahunae's Knife to scalp kills that you aren't tapped to. The path followed by the Har'koa's Kitten during the quest, "I Sense a Disturbance" has been improved.Westguard Sergeants, Winterhoof Braves, and Ethereal Frostworgs should no longer attempt to attack their opposite faction counterparts unless the character controlling them is first attacked.Westguard Sergeant and Winterhoof Brave demoralizing shouts will now only affect the Winterskorn vrykul and worgs at Skorn.Various fixes to the Queen Angerboda event during the quest, "The Slumbering King".The daily quest, "Shoot 'Em Up" now only requires 15 Jotunheim Proto-Drakes to be shot down, down from 20.