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aion gold----Level Armorsmithing
Do you know how to upgrade Armorsmithing in aion? There is only real way to level your skill is by completing work orders. You also can gain aion kinah by completing aion quests to buy some aion gold. There are two speeds at which most people level this skill.
In order to level your crafting skill slowly, simply choose the lowest or next to lowest work order available to craft. As you are crafting easier difficulty work orders, you will get fewer skill increases and you will need to complete more work orders overall to increase your skill. By completing more work orders, you increase your chances of receiving recipes as rewards. By increasing the number of recipes you receive aion kina, you increase your chances at completing chain and plate sets of recipes along the way. This will cost some aion kinah overall and take substantially longer to reach the cap.
If you want to level your crafting skill quickly, simply choose the highest or next to highest work order available to craft. Leveling the skill quickly means you spend far less aion kina. However, you also have substantially fewer chances to earn your recipes.
Reaching 399 does not get you anything in and of itself as there are level restrictions for using all crafted gear and it does not help if you have few recipes to actually craft. It could lead to a valid argument. Is it cheaper to milk the work orders to maximize your recipes or raise your crafting skill as quickly as possible and hope you can fill in the blanks via the Auction House or world drops? Ultimately, there is no absolute best way to do aion kina. Either way, you can require luck to obtain the recipes you want most.