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Graphics and Sound
Dragonica is all about cute, funny and fun. The player avatars are chibi-style with big heads, large eyes and egg shaped bodies. The graphics are soft but pleasing and combat animations are diverse. Emoticons are exactly that, animated graphics that appear above your avatar's head, but each class actually has different running and dashing and jumping animations with the warrior doing mid-air summersaults and the mage summons cannons. Player customization includes space suits and chicken hats to be bought. NPCs are also over the top in cuteness with Raccoon plumbers (yes, there is a quest to collect their plungers), shark boy pirates with bandanas and earrings and biker teddy bears.
Sound is nothing to write home about but this is not unexpected in free to play games. There's some combat sound, town music and appropriate grunts from avatars and NPCs alike. Enough to know that it is there.